Deployment Management
Standardize the way your developers deploy code, while enforcing clear RBAC across all your workflows. Use the Platform Orchestrator on its own or in tandem with your GitOps setup.

Enable secure,
self-service deployments
Developers describe their deployment in abstract terms (Score) and git-push their changes. Post CI, the Platform Orchestrator reads the request, matches it to the rules set by the platform team and generates  all needed configuration files. This is a fully automated process that enforces policies and standards  and lets developers deploy to any environment with confidence.

Manage progression
between environments
The Orchestrator allows Platform Engineers to manage who can deploy where. Applications can be progressed between environments freely by developers as a whole or just partially. Any change to an environment is logged in an environment agnostic way. It can be applied to any other environment, where it is localized to the rules provided by the platform team.

Enforce policies and design sign-off workflows
Because config files are generated before the deployment (but post CI), you can run integration tests and policy checks before the configs are executed. E.g. you can do security scans, enforce labels/annotations to lower your change failure rate. Deployment pipelines also allow you to design sign off workflows, Â interact with third party systems like Slack or Teams to notify them about deployment success.

Log all deployments and run diffs between them
Deployment logs help you understand in detail how deployment pipelines run and how checks and integration tests are performed. The API has a log endpoint to store deployment logs for audit purposes. Because everything is logged you can perform diffs between deployments (and environments) to understand the material difference.

Investigate, debug and roll back with confidence
Beside deployment logs, the Orchestrator serves container logs and error messages from the cluster and all resources to the portal. Developers can consume them for debugging on a workload level. When the error is identified, rolling back is as simple as hitting one button or running a single command.

How it works
Developers describe their workloads and dependent resource in an environment agnostic way using Score. Platform engineers define how to update/create executable configurations based on the context. The Platform Orchestrator creates create  app and infra configurations. Deployment pipelines run integration tests and policy checks before executing the final deployment. The Humanitec Portal allows you to visualize what’s running where.

There’s so much noise in the platform engineering space. Reference architectures helped us get the design and starting point right.

Emil Kilhage
We had planned 24 months to get our V1 for the IDP. With Humanitec we had a first MVP after 24 minutes.

Markus Schünemann
See it in action 👇