Reference architectures for Internal Developer Platforms
Explore tried and true platform blueprints and reference architectures

Discover our reference architecture for AWS setups. From the whitepaper to the full blown code implementation, use this blueprint to advance your platform engineering journey.

Discover our reference architecture for Azure setups. From the whitepaper to the full blown code implementation, use this blueprint to advance your platform engineering journey.

Discover our reference architecture for GCP setups. From the whitepaper to the full blown code implementation, use this blueprint to advance your platform engineering journey.
Red Hat OpenShift

Discover our reference architecture for OpenShift setups. From the whitepaper to the full blown code implementation, use this blueprint to advance your platform engineering journey.
Red Hat OpenShift
Red Hat OpenShift
coming soon
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What are
reference architectures?
How can you glue your toolchain into a scalable Internal Developer Platform? These reference architectures are based on hundreds of setups across public, private and hybrid cloud to help you build your IDP quickly and reliably.
The tools below are representative and can be swapped with what you’re using today. To see what an IDP on your specific cloud setup would look like, check out the individual reference architectures available as whitepapers.
There’s so much noise in the platform engineering space. Reference architectures helped us get the design and starting point right.

Emil Kilhage
We had planned 24 months to get our V1 for the IDP. With Humanitec we had a first MVP after 24 minutes.

Markus Schünemann