Eliminate ticket ops
Ticket ops is draining your organization. Keeping Ops teams busy with unproductive work hinders velocity and negatively affects lead time.
Focus your time
less waiting times for devs
Easy Maintenance
reduction ops overhead
Reduce Requests
fewer config files
Automate and standardize workflows
Minimize dependencies on ops
Improve ops per dev ratio

Top performing orgs don’t write tickets
Deployment stuck? Need a new environment? A new resource? In most engineering teams, this translates to developers filing a ticket with Ops. That’s not how top performers work.

Why Humanitec?
See how Convera reduced ops dependencies with Humanitec
Before Convera built their IDP with Humanitec, the flow from commit to production was tedious and time-consuming. Lots of manual configuration was required and developers constantly had to wait for Ops support.
Now developers self-serve what they need and can work on shipping features instead of config files. Ops can focus on valuable tasks rather than fighting repetitive tickets.
Humanitec has helped us accelerate our modernization journey. Thanks to the Platform Orchestrator our developers can self-serve everything they need to be productive. Humanitec allowed us to streamline our operations without compromising on quality or security.

Dive deeper

Developer self-service in-depth demo
In this video, Malini Kamalambal demos how Humanitec's products can ensure effective developer self-service for Kubernetes setups.

Perform daily developer activities (debug, rollback, diffs, logs)
This tutorial will take you through a standard “break-fix” exercise from a developer’s perspective using an IDP.

Scaffold new workloads and create staging and production environments
This tutorial explains how developers can quickly scaffold an application that already comes with a dev environment on their own.