
An open source workload specification for  developers to describe what their workloads need, as code.

Explore Score

Design sensible abstractions

Score is used to build platform and self-service experiences for developers. Because it’s fully code-based it integrates seamlessly into the git-push workflow your team is using today.

Score terminal

Declarative by nature

Score lets developers define the resources required by their workloads in a declarative way. You declare once that your workload needs to listen on a port to receive requests - and don’t not need to worry where and how the exact port is defined in e.g. a remote Kubernetes environment. By declaring what the workload needs to run, the “how” becomes an environment specific implementation detail that is taken care of by Score.

Seamless tech 
stack and workflow integration

Score introduces a single change to your setup by adding a score.yaml file to your workloads’ repo. Everything else stays as is. Once Score is set up, you can continue using it even if the underlying tech stack changes.

How it works

Install the Humanitec CLI
brew install humanitec/tap/cli
Initialize the Score file
humctl score init
Deploy the Score file to Humanitec
humctl score deploy
7.5k stars
2.5k forks
#1 spec


How it fits in

Humanitec’s Platform Orchestrator can interpret the Score specification and dynamically create the final app and infrastructure configurations.

Dive deeper

What is Score?
Score is an open-source, platform-agnostic, container-based workload specification. With Score, you can define your workload once using the Score Specification
Score applies to become a CNCF sandbox project
We’re excited to announce that Score has applied to become a CNCF sandbox project. We see great potential in this opportunity for Score and its adoption within the community. This marks an important milestone for us as we aim to promote the concept of workload-centric development among developers and platform teams.