Your one-stop-shop for platform engineering

Combine our products and OSS building blocks for your enterprise Internal Developer Platform

Our product philosophy

Code first
No blackbox feeling
No lock in
Enterprise grade (actually)
Easy to integrate

The Portal

An intuitive UI for developers to configure their applications, check container logs and debug errors. Platform teams and executives have all key health metrics at a glance.

Score (OSS workload spec)

An intuitive UI for developers to configure their applications, check container logs and debug errors. Platform teams and executives have all key health metrics at a glance.

The Platform Orchestrator

The configuration engine that sits at the heart of your Internal Developer Platform. It lets you define clear templates and golden paths for your developers. It drives automation and standardization across all your teams and workflows.

Resource Definitions

Simple, open source building blocks to orchestrate your infrastructure. They work out of the box (e.g. with Resource Packs) or integrate with your existing IaC setup (e.g. Terraform).

Get started building your MVP
A structured approach to get you to your Minimum Viable Platform in four phases

Build an Internal Developer Platform that works

DevEx Platform Engineers use Score and the Portal to enable developer self-service.

Resource Packs and the Platform Orchestrator help infrastructure platform engineers provide infrastructure and operations teams with a common framework to standardize against.

A code-based interface for your IDP - build and design sensible abstractions.

Resource Packs

Pre-configured resource conventions. Easily integrated with your existing IaC.

Platform Orchestrator

A graph based backend
for your IDP. Expose infrastructure as APIs, standardize and automate
at scale.


A code-based interface for your IDP - build and design sensible abstractions.

Start with reference architectures

Learn how to combine your existing toolchain into an Internal Developer Platform. Try our reference architectures packaged as code.

Your one-stop-shop for platform engineering

Use Score, the Platform Orchestrator and the Portal to build your enterprise-grade Internal Developer Platform. Fast, reliably.
Build sensible abstractions
with Score (OSS)

A workload spec for devs to describe what their workloads need to run.

Drive standardization
with the Platform Orchestrator

A rules engine that configures apps dynamically with every deploy.

Visualize everything
with the Portal

A single pane of glass for all teams. Use the Humanitec Portal or any third party tools.

Use one. Or combine them.

Keep your tools, pipelines and resources as they are. Abstract with Score, integrate the Orchestrator to resolve what devs want against config baselines set by the platform team. Put a portal on top.