DevOps Benchmarking Study 2023
A large divide exists between top and low performing engineering teams, with Internal Developer Platforms playing a key role that differentiates performance.

You should read this if..
- You care about enabling true DevOps “you build it, you run it”
- You want to close the gap and become a top performing team
- Your focus is on boosting developer experience and productivity
- Your organization needs to drive innovation in times of uncertainty
Which answer describes best how DevOps tasks is managed in your organization?

A stunning 93% of top performing teams report using an Internal Developer Platform built and maintained by a platform team that follows a Platform as a Product approach. These platforms are based on a mix of open source and proprietary software, glued together and built into the platform. In contrast, only 5% of medium and 2% of low performing teams use an Internal Developer Platform.
DevOps Benchmarking Study 2023